Monday, July 29, 2013

A personal take on a new class: the Warleader

Hello everyone. Today I want to share with you a homebrew class I created to provide one of my players with a play experience similar to that of D&D 4th edition's Warlord. By now, no Pathfinder class grants additional actions to allies as a standard feature: there are spells that do this, but we were looking for a martial leader that simply conveyed his authority on the battlefield (which is to say, his Charisma) to enhance his comrades' effectiveness during a fight. We also wanted this class to provide the means of a diplomatic leader (think King Arthur) while allowing for more "savage" takes (it's perfectly conceivable to tinker with the options and play a savage tribe chief).

Or even an ogre lord from Tian Xia!

Although 4th edition's Warlord could grant his allies additional attacks as an at-will, we chose the Warleader's similar feature, Warleader's command, to be limited by his level and his Charisma modifier.
This class needs good Charisma and Intelligence to shine, and good Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom are great too. Dexterity isn't a dump stat at all, too. Thus, a warleader highly benefits from average ability scores more than others. He can do with a 16 Cha instead of an 18, but you have limited command uses per day, so chances are you'll have to learn how to hit with a sword (or a bow, although to gain the benefits of expose weakness you must be adjacent to the enemy).
Please remember this class hasn't seen much play yet, so I might make changes, add or subtract things, or even come to the conclusion "this class sucks, eww". If you happen to like this class option or have any suggestion based on similar play experiences, please let me know in the comments.


Although most warriors are fighting machines by themselves, some of them excel at coordinating their comrades. Often trained by master tacticians and war veterans, warleaders are able to bolster their troops with a few effective words. The ability to shape a battle with their charisma and willpower is not the only weapon warleaders have: in combat they can be as formidable an opponent as the men they command.
Whether a knight at the head of a group of soldiers or the cruel bandit leading a group of raiders, a warleader’s attention is always directed to finding the best possible combination of skills and abilities for the team to shine.
Role: Warleaders are skilled combatants with a focus on supporting their comrades in battle. It’s not uncommon for a warleader to avoid attacking, instead exposing the enemy’s weaknesses to the group and granting allies additional chances to strike. In social situations, warleaders are good orators and excel at the art of diplomacy, but can prove themselves quite intimidating if necessary.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d10.
Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class skills
The warleader’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the warleader.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warleader is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all armor (heavy, light and medium) and with shields (except tower shields).
Veteran’s Awareness (Ex): Well versed in the arts of battle, warleaders are incredibly aware of their surroundings in any given moment. A warleader cannot be caught flat-footed. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus if the attacker is invisible, if she’s immobilized, or if an opponent succesfully uses the feint action against her, and can still be flanked as normal.
Warleader’s Command (Ex): One of the warleader’s main strengths is her ability to give her allies additional chances to attack, maximizing the group’s efficiency. By shouting orders in the midst of battle, a warleader can grant her comrades extra actions during her turn. Once per turn, as a standard action that doesn’t cause attacks of opportunity, the warleader can choose a single ally within 30 feet. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the warleader (and understand her language). The affected ally can immediately make a single attack action (be it a melee or ranged attack) against a target of the warleader’s choice. The warleader and the ally must both be able to see the target. This additional attack follows the rules of a normal melee or ranged attack, and is made at the ally’s highest attack bonus. A warleader can use her command a number of times per day equal to double her level + her Charisma modifier (thus, a 4th level 16 Cha warleader will have 11 daily uses of his command). A warleader’s command is a mind-affecting ability. A single creature cannot be affected by more than one warleader’s command each round (even if the new command comes from a different warleader).
Command Tactics (Ex): As a warleader gains levels, she learns to guide her allies’ skills in new ways, granting them additional bonus when using her command. Starting at 2nd level, a warleader gains a command tactic. She gains an additional command tactic for every two levels of warleader attained after 2nd level. Whenever she uses her warleader’s command class feature, she chooses one of the tactics she has learned and applies its effect to that single use of the command, in addition to the normal attack given by the command itself. Unless otherwise noted, a warleader cannot select the same tactic more than once.
·       Accurate Strike (Ex): For the purposes of the additional attack granted by this warleader’s command, the influenced ally gains an insight bonus on the attack roll equal to the warleader’s Intelligence modifier.
·       Admonishing Words (Ex): You can apply this tactic to a warleader’s command only if the influenced ally is wielding a melee weapon. The influenced ally’s additional attack deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage, but that ally doesn’t suffer the usual penalties for trying to deal nonlethal damage with lethal weapons.
·       Brutal Impact (Ex): You can apply this tactic to a warleader’s command only if the influenced ally is wielding a melee weapon. If the influenced ally hits the target, that ally may immediately perform a sunder attempt against an item held or worn by that target. This is a normal sunder attempt and provokes attacks of opportunity. A warleader must be at least 6th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Call to Arms (Ex): Before making the additional attack granted by the warleader’s command, the influenced ally can stand up from prone position. Doing so still provokes attacks of opportunity.
·       Create Opening (Ex): If the influenced ally hits the target, any other ally adjacent to the influenced ally can make an attack of opportunity against that target. These attacks count against the maximum number of attacks of opportunity a character can make during a single round. A warleader must be at least 14th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Crippling Shot (Ex): You can apply this tactic to a warleader’s command only if the influenced ally is wielding a ranged weapon. If the influenced ally hits the target, that target’s speed is reduced to 5 feet until the warleader’s next turn. A warleader must be at least 10th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Distracting Assault (Ex): If the influenced ally hits the target, that target suffers a -4 penalty on all concentration checks. This penalty lasts until the warleader’s next turn.
·       Emboldening Strike (Ex): The influenced ally gains temporary hit points equal to the warleader’s Charisma modifier. These bonus hit points last until the warleader’s next turn or until lost. A warleader must be at least 6th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Flaming Anger (Ex): For the purposes of the additional attack granted by this warleader’s command, the influenced ally gains a morale bonus on the damage roll equal to the warleader’s Charisma modifier. A warleader must be at least 8th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Flashing Steel (Ex): You can apply this tactic to a warleader’s command only if the influenced ally is wielding a melee weapon that is at least partially made of metal. If the influenced ally hits the target, that target becomes blinded until the warleader’s next turn. A warleader must be at least 10th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Frightening Determination (Ex): In addition to granting the normal extra attack to an ally, the warleader can make an Intimidate check against an adjacent foe. If the warleader successfully demoralizes her target, that creature is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the warleader’s Charisma modifier.
·       Hit and Run (Ex): Immediately after resolving the attack granted by the warleader’s command, the influenced ally may take a move action. A warleader must be at least 8th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Impenetrable Defense (Ex): The influenced ally gains a +2 morale bonus to Armor Class. This bonus lasts until the warleader’s next turn.
·       Invigorating Cry (Ex): The influenced ally may immediately make a saving throw against any condition from an effect that allowed a saving throw (and that the ally failed to save from). The DC is the same of the original saving throw.
·       Safe Step (Ex): Immediately after resolving the attack granted by the warleader’s command, the influenced ally may take a 5-foot step in any direction. As usual, this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
·       Shield Bash (Ex): You can apply this tactic to a warleader’s command only if the influenced ally is wielding a shield. In addition to the usual additional attack, the influenced ally performs a combat maneuver against the target of the attack. If this attack is successful, the target is pushed back 5 feet. A warleader must be at least 6th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Triumphant Attack (Ex): If the influenced ally hits the target, that ally gains a +1 morale bonus to all subsequent attack and damage rolls. This bonus lasts until the warleader’s next turn. A warleader must be at least 4th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Unexpected Swing (Ex): For the purposes of the additional attack granted by this warleader’s command, the attack’s target is considered to be caught flat-footed. A warleader must be at least 8th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Vicious Blow (Ex): For the purposes of the additional attack granted by this warleader’s command, the critical range of the influenced ally’s weapons is doubled.
·       Warleader’s Challenge (Ex): If the influenced ally hits the target, that target suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls made against anyone but the warleader herself. This penalty lasts until the warleader’s next turn. A warleader must be at least 4th level before selecting this command tactic.
·       Warning Shout (Ex): The influenced ally gains an insight bonus equal to the warleader’s Intelligence modifier to all Reflex saving throws. This bonus lasts until the warleader’s next turn.
Expose Weakness (Ex): At 3rd level, the warleader has developed a strong bond with her allies. She is now able to create openings in the enemy’s defense, allowing for devastating attacks. Whenever she is flanking with an ally, that ally gains an insight bonus equal to the warleader’s Intelligence modifier to hit rolls against the flanked creature. This is in addition to the normal +2 bonus for flanking.
Bonus Feat: At 5th, 11th and 17th level, the warleader gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The warleader must meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats.
Field Medic (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a warleader is skilled at aiding wounded allies in the midst of battle. She can use the Heal skill to stabilize another creature as a swift action, and never causes attacks of opportunity while doing so.
Improved Expose Weakness (Ex): At 9th level, when a warleader is flanking with an ally, the insight bonus applies to both attack and damage rolls against the flanked creature.
Fast Command (Ex): At 13th level, the sinergy between the warleader and her comrades is incredible. She can use her warleader’s command class feature as a swift action instead of a standard action.
Greater Expose Weakness (Ex): At 15th level, when a warleader is flanking with an ally, the insight bonus applies to attack and damage rolls against the flanked creature, and to the ally’s Armor Class against attacks made by the flanked creature.
Rally the Troops (Ex): At 19th level, a warleader can lead her allies’ offensive with a single shout. Whenever she uses her warleader’s command class feature, she can now influence a number of allies less than or equal to her Charisma modifier. To be affected, each of the allies must be within 30 feet of the warleader and able to hear her. All influenced allies attack the same target or different ones, warleader’s choice, but each ally must be able to see the target of her attack, and the warleader must be able to see all the targets she chooses. If the warleader chooses a tactic for her command, she chooses a single tactic and the effects of that tactic apply to each of the influenced allies.
Bolster the Legion (Ex): At 20th level, the warleader has become a master of tactics and an incredible warrior. Once per day, when she uses her warlord’s command class feature, she can choose to grant all allies within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to her class level, and a morale bonus equal to her Charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls. These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the warleader’s Intelligence modifier, and are in addition to any bonus granted by the warlord’s command itself.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Veteran’s awareness, warleader’s command
Command tactic
Expose weakness
Command tactic
Bonus feat
Command tactic
Field medic
Command tactic
Improved expose weakness
Command tactic
Bonus feat
Command tactic
Fast command
Command tactic
Greater expose weakness
Command tactic
Bonus feat
Command tactic
Rally the troops
Bolster the legion, command tactic

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Weekly Character: Nysen Shar

Once again I provide you with a pre built character for your Pathfinder games. This time it's one of the 1st level characters for my Grayfield Manor playtest: the oread monk Nysen Shar.
I created this PC myself (one of the players didn't have enough time to build it and honestly it cost me very little effort to do)... It's a 25 point buy character. I used some of the alternate racial traits for the oread race, and the monk of the four winds archetype for the monk. This way he can have access to the super cool elemental fist power, which allows him to punch and add a quite relevant 1d6 elemental damage. Now, there has been some discussion on the ruling of this feat: it doesn't specify the attack you use it for has to be an unarmed attack. However, Improved Unarmed Strike is one of the prerequisites. I decided that it can be applied to all melee attacks (the monk is "imbuing" its weapon with elemental energy), but you can rule it otherwise.
You can find Nysen's backstory on the sheet itself: it's not too fleshed out because I like you to have some freedom when it comes to roleplay. However, his alignment is Lawful Neutral, thus we're dealing with a guy that strongly adheres to the discipline of his ancestors, but doesn't necessarily feel like he always has to help people. He's probably more focused on finding opponents to challenge.
I hope you like this Player Character format, I find it clear and aesthetically pleasant. Sadly, I don't know the name of the illustrator for the art I used, but I do know it's a Water Genasi from 4th edition (so, all copyright goes to Wizards of the Coast). If you're the owner of this art and want me to remove it from here, please tell me.

To use this pregen sheet, just print it and (if you want to use it multiple times) ask someone to laminate the paper. This way you can use a marker to mark HPs and the likes, then erase it with water.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grayfield Manor: Gathering playtesters! (and some ridiculous PCs too)

As I previously wrote here, I'm planning on sharing with you a short adventure I've been working on for some weeks (I guess it's about two months by now). Now the module has a name: Grayfield Manor. Here's the back cover (I'm still working on the front, but you can already look at the short summary for the adventure!

Once I'm done with the editing and I've got the full PDF, I'll post the link to the file here on the blog. By the way, if you happen to know a good free PDF hosting site, please let me know in the comments.
At the moment, I'm asking my usual players to build 1st level characters, and we'll get the dice rolling in the next weeks. I hope this will lead to a better final product.
I already gathered four players with their (sick sick sick) PCs:
- a human inquisitor with the trickery domain. His face is terribly scarred and disfigured.
- an oread monk of the four winds, which I guess is the first monk in history with a 20 feet speed.
- a dhampir summoner, named Edward Fallen (yup), whose eidolon's name is Squeeze.
- a grippli spellslinger, which... oh come on, I don't even know what to write about this one.
... this was just to let you know what happens when players have to build throwaway characters for a one-shot module!

During the next weeks I'll keep writing about the adventure on this blog, as long as there's something interesting to say :)
Once the playtest ends, I really want to write an article on this experience and which problems and challenges I had to face. I don't know, maybe someone that wants to write an adventure for more than just his home group will find it a useful and enjoyable read.

Until next time, have a good day and play more D&D!