Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grayfield Manor: Gathering playtesters! (and some ridiculous PCs too)

As I previously wrote here, I'm planning on sharing with you a short adventure I've been working on for some weeks (I guess it's about two months by now). Now the module has a name: Grayfield Manor. Here's the back cover (I'm still working on the front, but you can already look at the short summary for the adventure!

Once I'm done with the editing and I've got the full PDF, I'll post the link to the file here on the blog. By the way, if you happen to know a good free PDF hosting site, please let me know in the comments.
At the moment, I'm asking my usual players to build 1st level characters, and we'll get the dice rolling in the next weeks. I hope this will lead to a better final product.
I already gathered four players with their (sick sick sick) PCs:
- a human inquisitor with the trickery domain. His face is terribly scarred and disfigured.
- an oread monk of the four winds, which I guess is the first monk in history with a 20 feet speed.
- a dhampir summoner, named Edward Fallen (yup), whose eidolon's name is Squeeze.
- a grippli spellslinger, which... oh come on, I don't even know what to write about this one.
... this was just to let you know what happens when players have to build throwaway characters for a one-shot module!

During the next weeks I'll keep writing about the adventure on this blog, as long as there's something interesting to say :)
Once the playtest ends, I really want to write an article on this experience and which problems and challenges I had to face. I don't know, maybe someone that wants to write an adventure for more than just his home group will find it a useful and enjoyable read.

Until next time, have a good day and play more D&D!